Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Good Mornings 17082011

Yesterday would have been the most illustrious independence day in our history. Finally we managed to break the bondages of State Machinery and came together to defend an illustrious son of the soil. Indians, we ought to be proud.
I am still very much vary of the idea of satyagraha, which is a counter revolutionary procedure. But the world over, irrespective of ideologies people are getting on to the streets. May be it's global warming, the temperature are soaring high.

May be we forgot the man who started this all- Assange.

In another corner of India, some clowns are preventing stock taking of world's richest temple claiming wrath of Diety. The fear may even prevent Supreme court from cancelling their ruling.


BK Chowla, said...

Happy independence day

Rachna said...

I am all for peaceful satyagraha too.