Monday, May 21, 2012

A sad sigh

Huh there are days when you feel the life's just worth a sigh.

At first it started with badminton. I saw that everyone was performing better than me. While I was just stumbling and bumbling around. Even more sad part is just everyone wants to encourage you, offer you tips and play weak shots in condolence. I want to enjoy the ultimate sadistic pleasure of encouraging.

Then I noticed everyone were studying for their exams. Over here your performance and hikes depend on the exams. I did write once and bombed big time. The results of both papers were amazingly ended with exactly the same mark and I wondered if the computer was playing tricks on me. But surprisingly people who claim they don't even bother to study, simply shoots through with amazing ease. I wish somebody told me the bloody secret.

And to make matters worse I checked my weight and found I was way way way over weight.
I who were underweight and who made fun of fatsos is now anointed a fatso myself. That's some achievement. A bumbling, balding , fat idiot . 

I somehow gained some false idea that I'm wiser than rest of the world . I pretty screw it up when it comes to socializing. I can't stand most of the people . Today I'm realizing if I don't identify with rest of the world, I'll end up a lonely nobody


Anonymous said...

OMG Jon ... get more cheerful immediately.

I have just started a study course - not done anything like this since leaving school and am struggling, don't believe anyone who says they don't study; it's quite simply not true.

As to fatty issues - practise your badminton more, it should help!

One of my friends recently started internet dating. He complained that everybody on the sites was dull and didn't fit his criteria - a sexy, slim, blonde, loved sport, didn't want kids (he has two from his previous marriage), a professional independent woman, who wouldn't want him around at weekends (that's when his kids come over) - that is way too fussy, maybe you should broaden your criteria too.

Sorry that all sounds very bossy

OtienoHongo said...

Jon, the weight normally just creeps in! Anyway, cheer up, it is never that serious!

RGB said...

This too shall pass!

CHUDAIL said...

You just deserved to be kicked real hard!

The ultimate sadistic pleasure of encouragement :D

About people who clear without studying a word... happens. I know. Happened to me too but kinda correlated with my area of study! Same is the case with the rest of them esp MBAs.

Weight! Stop being a sissy! For your health, you know pretty well what to do.

You're willing to admit you had a false idea. Makes you wiser than rest of the world. Not being able to socialize doesn't mean you are a sore loser. You are genuine and you can be yourself only with people who matter. No plastic smiles and hi byes!
Its your choice if you want to identify with the rest of the world, change yourself and end up being miserable or continue with your awesomeness and still end up 'feeling' miserable.

PS: Why take life so seriously?