Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Curry and Cyanide

Netflix releases a documentary on one of the most sensational murder spree.  The documentary might have been well made except for the part that the whole thing looked too amateur. No proper research/ investigation was done.
As the narrator himself, inadvertently admitted, there were too many red flags still not looked into.

The murder didn't became a sensation just because 6 people were killed. But the executioner was a home maker and an epitome  of ideal mother and wife. The question was how could she bring herself to do this?
Sadly the question still remains unanswered. The whole documentary seems to be shot by a wedding photographer and ends up with making the sister-in-law of the murderer a heroine of the whole drama.

One essential question remaining to be answered is, why were the entire family silent through out the period and even more strangely, how did the person who first cried foul on the mysterious death kept visiting the accused so that he become her next victim?

All said, the decadence of 'family' once the strongest and most sacred unit in society has fallen into decadence. The contradiction of material and at the same time the cultural and spiritual myths have churned out a very depressed generation in denial with themselves

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