Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Corner

Yesterday I was talking to a old friend. The conversation veered to a college mate who passed away due to rare heart condition
I remembered all the old fun we had.What if we knew what our lives would turn to in another 15 years

As I was dozing off to sleep, I remembered a visual. 
My childhood, where as usual I was always late to the bus. I would run to the bus stop to see bus coming from far. It had to take a turn at the signal. 
So if I saw the bus at the signalit was a happy moment, knowing that I haven,t missed the bus

As I lay there half asleep a thought came to my mind. I may have another 20-25 years in my book
What if I got a chance to go back to that bus stop and waiting for the bus to take the turn


This morning I was sitting back, brooding the loneliness, when I got a call. The true caller said he was a friend from college
I thought a full few minutes, deciding if I should call him back and finally decided in favour of it.

We spent a full hour talking. He is a lecturer in Engineering
Among other things he was talking about how this 'Kerala Technical University' destroyed the course

I remember when this KTU came into being with fancy names how it was said it to change the landscape of Engineering courses
The teachers coughing up the old yellowed pages would find it difficult to survive in the new age courses

But over time they pushed in faculty from private colleges into the board of KTU. General Life courses with no connection to Engineering came up and old core subjects were moved out of syllabus
The aim was to increase pass percentages of private colleges and reduce advantage of government colleges

Today children learn less of Engineering and more of 'communication' and 'management'
The lecturers have almost nothing to teach now.